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Top 5 Favorite Youtube Beauty Gurus ♥

By 8:35 PM , , , , , , , ,

The way I learned to do makeup, and most of everything I know about it has come from watching YouTube videos! Most of us sit and watch beauty related videos 24/7, if you're as makeup crazy as I am, of course!
So here's a top 5 favorite beauty gurus on YouTube, I obviously have many more faves, but here's a few, no specific order.
1. Jlovesmac1
I've been watching Jarmaine's videos for literally years now, she's probably the bubbliest beauty guru you'll find on YouTube! Her channel has a lot of awesome looks, tips & tricks, outfits, etc. You'll definitely love this girl and find yourself laughing throughout the video haha.
1. Nitraab
She is probably my current favorite YouTuber. Her looks are insaneee, my favorite looks I've seen on YouTube. She's also really sweet and funny! She posts tips & tricks, hauls, etc. Check out her videos!
3. GregoryGorgeous
I'm such a fan of this guy, once you watch his videos, you'll want to be his best friend. He's so funny, talented, and an awesome beauty guru! I think he's very inspiring and super fabulous! 
4. NicoleGuerriero
Nicole is so pretty & her videos are actually very informative! She has plenty of cute looks, and if you want reviews on products, I think her reviews are the best!
5. GossMakeupArtist
Ok, I know he's not a girl. But his advice is crazy good! I've learned tips & tricks from his channel that I've never even heard anywhere else! You definitely need to subscribe to this guy.

Check out these beauty gurus on YouTube & let me know if you love them as much as I do!
Thanks for reading :*
xo, Rotem ♥

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  1. I'm also a big fan of Gossmakeupartist he shows such great tips in a way that's easy to follow. I've never heard of the others will have to check them out x


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