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Golden Bronze Makeup Tutorial | Urban Decay On the Run Palette: Review & Demo!

By 7:28 PM , , , , , , , , ,

♫ Jonny Atar - Gravity [used with permission from the artist]
Please check out his music, he is so talented & deserves a lot more love - show him some support!! Link below 
♫ Crimson Fly - Huma-Huma [Downloaded from the Youtube Audio Library]

Hey guys! I know I took a week off from original scheduling but it's only because i was swamped with schoolwork and my job, that I lost all energy and needed a break during spring break! But my mind is all cleared and I'm ready to get back on the grind.

This video is a review/demo on the Urban Decay On the Run Palette. I loveee this palette and really wanted to incorporate it into my channel along with a different type of video! This is my first review/demo video so I hope you enjoy! :D

Thank you guys for your support and love!

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