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10 ways to relieve stress ♥

By 1:35 PM , , , , , , , , ,

Hi guys! I know this isn't really beauty related, but I've wanted to make a post on this for a while, just to try and help others. I have really bad anxiety, so I stress out a lot over many things. Over time, I've learned what small things make stressful situations a bit easier to deal with, so I will share them with you :)
First off, think about your situation, why you're stressed. Is it something you can change, or is it something you have no control over? "If you can change it, don't worry about it. If you can't change it, why worry about it?"
Of course it is very hard to control your thoughts and turn them into a positive. One of the hardest things to do. So here are a few tips on how to make it easier. (This may not apply to everyone.)

1. Clean/Organize your room/purse/car
I know this sounds a bit strange, but when I do so, I feel like I'm organizing my life. It sounds  weird, but I believe a messy room/purse/car gives off a stressful vibe. Your room should be your happy place! Redecorate, buy new furniture, or just organize your closet. You will feel much better! 

2. Work out & exercise
Every time I work out, I feel 100x better physically & mentally. It is a healthy way to relieve stress & anxiety, while getting fit at the same time! Take a yoga, palates, or even boxing class! Make this a daily routine, and your focus will transfer to being productive & following a routine.

3. Watch re-runs of your favorite show/Watch your favorite movie
When I do so, my mind goes back to another place, a better time. It will also distract you for a little while until you stop stressing. Many shows & movies also have a message that can help you deal with your situation. Or you can watch a comedy, and laugh. :D

4. Vent
Talk to your mother/father, sibling, to a friend, to a boyfriend. Write on a blog, a diary, a letter. Just vent! Let out your pain, anger, or depression, whatever you are stressing about. It is never healthy to bottle it up. Sometimes, it is even healthy to cry (but not for too long!!). Ask for advice, or just for someone to listen.

5. Retail Therapy
I swear.. the best stress reliever. Shopping will completely take your mind off stressful situations, while purchasing fabulous new products. Or you can window shop! Does it get any better?

6. Find your passion
My passion is makeup & fashion, so I started a blog. Specifically to reduce my stress & anxiety, as well as providing useful information for other girls out there! Turn your stress into something productive & positive. If you like sports, join a team. If you like photography, post your photos online. If you love fashion, design clothes. If you love music, create it!

7. Surround yourself with positive & mature people
One thing I've learned is that negative people will impact your life negatively. Cut off the people who are toxic for you, even if it means you are left alone. You are your own priority. Be independent, your future is all that matters.

8. Listen to music
Of course! Music is the best therapy. "When words fail, music speaks." Listen to songs that bring you back to a better time. Whatever type of music makes you happy!

9. Realize this is temporary
Nothing lasts forever. The feeling that you're feeling will eventually subside. Happiness will come sooner or later. So stay strong, and deal with the stress as best as you can & you will get through it in the best way possible. You are stronger than you think.

10. Everything happens for a reason
The only reason we stress is because we worry about bad situations. Maybe it is as small as a bad haircut, or maybe as bad as mourning a loved one's death. Believe that everything that happens, happens for a reason. Control your thoughts to believe that bad things happen so that we can learn from them and better ourselves.

I've been through a lot, and I've had many bad things happen to me. And I truly do not regret any of them because it has made me the strong person I am today. If you waste time regretting, you will not better yourself. I'm slowly learning to control my thoughts and become happier. The adversity we go through teaches us to appreciate everything that we have. Life is too short to worry about the minor things. Learn from the bad things and use them to better yourself & your life.

I hope this helped you guys, and if you have anything specific you do to relieve stress, I would love to hear it!! Make sure you follow me on twitter: @rotemxo & instagram: @rotemxox. Have a wonderful & productive day ladies! 
xo, Rotem ♥

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  1. I completely agree with staying organized. If i'm stressed out by school, a mess house just seems to elevate everything. Awesome tips(:

    Crazy Little Thinggs

  2. For the sake of beauty this is great. Once my hair started to fall out of stress. :C

    1. Thank you love! It's true :( Stress causes me to break out! Not good for you physically or mentally

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This is a really positive post! :) Usually when I'm feeling down or stressed and want to get my mind off it, I listen to music while cleaning haha! Retail therapy will never be an option for me though. I can't remember the last time I went shopping XD


    1. Thank you! Retail therapy can include cvs makeup shopping as well :D affordable and stress relieving.


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